220+ Vegetables Name in English | Vegetables Name in Hindi and Hinglish

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Vegetables Name in English, Sabjiyon ke Naam Hindi, and Hinglish

Vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet, providing a wealth of nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that support overall health. Whether consumed raw, cooked, or blended into smoothies, vegetables contribute to disease prevention, weight management, and improved digestion. In this guide, we will explore different [vegetable name], their benefits, common uses, and interesting facts. By the end of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of the role of vegetables in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

English Hindi (हिन्दी) Hinglish
Ash Gourd पेठा Petha
Amaranth Leaves चौलाई के पत्ते Chaulai Ke Patte
Arrowroot अरारोट Ararot
Asparagus शतावरी Shatavari
Artichoke हाथी चक Haathi Chak
Aubergine (Eggplant / Brinjal) बैंगन Baingan
Apple Gourd (Indian Round Gourd) टिंडा Tinda
African Eggplant अफ्रीकी बैंगन Afriki Baingan
Ahipa (Andean Yam Bean) अहिपा Ahipa
Arugula (Rocket Leaves) अरुगुला / सलाद पत्ता Arugula / Salad Patta
Anise (Fennel-like Vegetable) सौंफ Saunf
Aonla (Indian Gooseberry) आंवला Amla
Acorn Squash एकोर्न स्क्वैश Acorn Squash
Alpine Leek पहाड़ी लहसुन Pahadi Lahsun
Agaricus (Mushroom Variety) मशरूम की एक प्रजाति Mushroom Ki Ek Prakar
Alfalfa Sprouts अल्फाल्फा स्प्राउट्स Alfalfa Sprouts
Beetroot चुकंदर Chukandar
Broccoli ब्रोकोली Broccoli
Bottle Gourd लौकी Lauki
Bitter Gourd करेला Karela
Bell Pepper (Capsicum) शिमला मिर्च Shimla Mirch
Black-eyed Peas (Lobia Beans) लोबिया Lobia
Brussels Sprouts ब्रसेल्स स्प्राउट्स Brussels Sprouts
Butterhead Lettuce बटरहेड लेट्यूस Butterhead Lettuce
Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage) बोक चॉय Bok Choy
Bamboo Shoots बांस की कोपलें Baans Ki Koplen
Banana Flower केले का फूल Kele Ka Phool
Broad Beans (Fava Beans) बाकला Bakla
Bush Beans (Green Beans Variety) बुश बीन्स Bush Beans
Black Radish काली मूली Kaali Mooli
Buttercup Squash बटरकप स्क्वैश Buttercup Squash
Burdock Root बर्डॉक जड़ Burdock Jad
Basil (Herb, but used as a Vegetable in Salads) तुलसी Tulsi
Baby Corn बेबी कॉर्न Baby Corn
Batata (Sweet Potato Variety) बटाटा Batata
Black Garlic काला लहसुन Kala Lahsun
Beach Mustard समुद्री सरसों Samudri Sarson
Bay Leaves (Used as a Vegetable in Some Cuisines) तेज पत्ता Tej Patta
Cabbage पत्ता गोभी Patta Gobhi
Cauliflower फूलगोभी Phool Gobhi
Carrot गाजर Gajar
Celery अजवाइन पत्ते Ajwain Patte
Chayote (Vegetable Pear) चौचौ Chayote
Cherry Tomato चेरी टमाटर Cherry Tamatar
Chickpea Greens चने के साग Chane Ke Saag
Chili Pepper (Green Chili) हरी मिर्च Hari Mirch
Chinese Cabbage (Napa Cabbage) चीनी गोभी Cheeni Gobhi
Collard Greens कोलार्ड साग Collard Saag
Celtuce (Stem Lettuce) सेल्टस Celtuce
Corn (Maize) मक्का Makka
Cucumber खीरा Kheera
Cluster Beans (Guar) ग्वार फली Gwar Fali
Ceylon Spinach (Malabar Spinach) पोई साग Poi Saag
Cowpea (Black-eyed Pea Greens) लोबिया पत्ते Lobia Patte
Drumstick (Moringa Pods) सहजन की फली Sahjan Ki Phali
Dill Leaves सोया पत्ते Soya Patte
Daikon (White Radish) मूली Mooli
Dandelion Greens सिंहपर्णी पत्ते Singhparni Patte
Dolichos Beans (Hyacinth Beans) सेम फली Sem Fali
Desert Gourd (Kundru variety) टंडली Tondli
Delicata Squash डेलिकेटा स्क्वैश Delicata Squash
Edamame (Young Soybeans) एडामामे Edamame
Elephant Foot Yam जिमीकंद Jimikand
Endive (Leafy Green) एंडीव Endive
Escarole (Bitter Leafy Green) एसकारोल Escarole
Earthnut Pea पृथ्वी मटर Prithvi Matar
Egyptian Spinach मिस्र पालक Misri Palak
Eggplant (Brinjal) बैंगन Baingan
Fennel (Vegetable & Seeds) सौंफ Saunf
Fiddlehead Fern फर्न की कोंपल Fern Ki Kompal
French Beans फ्रेंच बीन्स French Beans
Flat Beans (Indian Beans) वालोर फली Valor Fali
Fenugreek Leaves मेथी पत्ते Methi Patte
Field Peas (Green Peas Variety) फील्ड मटर Field Matar
Garlic लहसुन Lahsun
Ginger अदरक Adrak
Green Beans हरी बीन्स Hari Beans
Green Onions (Spring Onions) हरा प्याज Hara Pyaz
Green Peas हरे मटर Hare Matar
Galangal (Thai Ginger) गलंगल Galangal
Gherkin (Pickling Cucumber) घेरकिन Gherkin
Globe Artichoke ग्लोब आर्टिचोक Globe Artichoke
Gourd (Various Types) लौकी, करेला, परवल, कुंदरू Lauki, Karela, Parwal, Kundru
Goosefoot (Bathua Saag) बथुआ Bathua
Gongura Leaves (Roselle Leaves) गुंडी पत्ते Gundi Patte
Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas) काबुली चना Kabuli Chana
Horse Gram कुल्थी दाल Kulthi Dal
Horseradish हॉर्सरैडिश Horseradish
Hearts of Palm पाम हार्ट Palm Heart
Hijiki (Seaweed Vegetable) हिजिकी Hijiki
Hubbard Squash हब्बार्ड स्क्वैश Hubbard Squash
Hyacinth Beans सेम Sem
Hops Shoots हॉप्स अंकुर Hops Ankur
Haricot Beans (French Beans) फ्रेंच बीन्स French Beans
Indian Pea (Grass Pea) खरबूज मटर Kharbooj Matar
Indian Spinach (Malabar Spinach) भारतीय पालक Bharatiya Palak
Iceberg Lettuce आइसबर्ग सलाद पत्ता Iceberg Salad Patta
Italian Sweet Peppers इटालियन मीठी मिर्च Italian Meethi Mirch
Indian Bitter Melon भारतीय करेला Bharatiya Karela
Jackfruit (Unripe - Used as a Vegetable) कटहल Kathal
Jerusalem Artichoke सूरजमुखी कंद Surajmukhi Kand
Jicama (Mexican Yam Bean) जिका्मा Jicama
Jungle Jalebi (Camachile Beans) जंगल जलेबी Jungle Jalebi
Japanese Eggplant जापानी बैंगन Japani Baingan
Japanese Mustard Greens जापानी सरसों Japani Sarson
Jalapeño Peppers जलेपिनो मिर्च Jalapeño Mirch
Kale काले Kale
Kohlrabi (Knol Khol) गांठ गोभी Ganth Gobhi
Kidney Beans राजमा Rajma
Kelp (Seaweed Vegetable) केल्प Kelp
Kaffir Lime Leaves काफिर नींबू पत्ते Kaffir Nimbu Patte
Komatsuna (Japanese Mustard Spinach) कोमात्सुना Komatsuna
Kenaf Leaves केनाफ पत्ते Kenaf Patte
Kangkong (Water Spinach) कांगकोंग (पानी पालक) Kangkong (Pani Palak)
Karela (Bitter Gourd) करेला Karela
Kachri (Wild Melon) कचरी Kachri
Lettuce सलाद पत्ता Salad Patta
Lima Beans लिमा बीन्स Lima Beans
Leeks लीक Leek
Lotus Stem (Kamal Kakdi) कमल ककड़ी Kamal Kakdi
Luffa (Ridge Gourd & Smooth Gourd) तोरी Tori
Lentils मसूर Masoor
Lablab Beans (Indian Broad Beans) हायसीन्थ बीन्स Hyacinth Beans
Long Beans (Yardlong Beans) लंबी फलियाँ Lambi Phaliyaan
Lemon Grass लेमन ग्रास Lemon Grass
Mushroom मशरूम Mushroom
Mustard Greens सरसों के पत्ते Sarson Ke Patte
Moringa (Drumstick Tree Leaves & Pods) सहजन Sahjan
Malabar Spinach मालाबार पालक Malabar Palak
Mint Leaves पुदीना Pudina
Mexican Turnip (Jicama) जिका्मा Jicama
Moth Beans मटकी Matki
Mozuku (Japanese Seaweed) मोज़ुकू Mozuku
Mashua (Andean Tuber) मशुआ Mashua
Mizuna (Japanese Mustard Greens) मिज़ुना Mizuna
Mung Beans (Green Gram) मूंग Moong
Methi (Fenugreek Leaves) मेथी Methi
Napa Cabbage (Chinese Cabbage) चीनी पत्तागोभी Cheeni Pattagobhi
Nopal (Prickly Pear Cactus Pads) नागफनी Nagfani
Navy Beans नेवी बीन्स Navy Beans
Neem Leaves नीम पत्ते Neem Patte
New Zealand Spinach न्यूजीलैंड पालक New Zealand Palak
Nigella Seeds (Used as Vegetable Leaves & Seeds) कलौंजी Kalonji
Nettles (Stinging Nettle Leaves) बिच्छू बूटी Bichhu Buti
Okra (Lady’s Finger) भिंडी Bhindi
Onion प्याज Pyaaz
Oregano (Herb) अजवायन के पत्ते Ajwain Ke Patte
Olives (Used as Pickles & Garnishing) जैतून Jaitun
Orach (Mountain Spinach) औराच Orach
Ogonori (Seaweed) ओगोनोरी Ogonori
Oyster Mushroom ऑयस्टर मशरूम Oyster Mushroom
Pumpkin कद्दू Kaddu
Potato आलू Aloo
Peas मटर Matar
Paprika (Bell Pepper Variety) शिमला मिर्च Shimla Mirch
Parsnip सफ़ेद गाजर Safed Gajar
Parsley अजमोद Ajmod
Peppers (Chili, Capsicum) मिर्च Mirch
Plantain (Green Banana Used as a Vegetable) कच्चा केला Kachcha Kela
Pigeon Pea (Toor Dal - Fresh or Dried) अरहर Arhar
Purple Yam रतालू Ratalu
Palm Heart ताड़ का हृदय Tad Ka Hriday
Pak Choy (Bok Choy) पक्क चॉय Pak Choy
Quinoa Leaves किनोआ पत्ते Quinoa Patte
Queensland Arrowroot क्वींसलैंड एरोरूट Queensland Arrowroot
Radish मूली Mooli
Red Cabbage लाल पत्तागोभी Lal Pattagobhi
Red Bell Pepper लाल शिमला मिर्च Lal Shimla Mirch
Ridge Gourd तोरई Torai
Red Amaranth (Lal Saag) लाल चौलाई Lal Chaulai
Rhubarb रेवतचीनी Revatchini
Rice Bean चावल की फलियां Chawal Ki Faliyaan
Rapini (Broccoli Rabe) ब्रोकली राबे Broccoli Rabe
Roselle Leaves पिटवा Pitwa
Ramsons (Wild Garlic) जंगली लहसुन Jangli Lahsun
Spinach पालक Palak
Sweet Potato शकरकंद Shakarkand
Spring Onion (Scallion) हरा प्याज Hara Pyaaz
Snap Peas स्नैप मटर Snap Matar
Sponge Gourd घीया तोरई Ghiya Torai
Swede (Rutabaga) शलजम Shaljam
Salsify साल्सिफ़ाई Salsify
Sorrel चुकंदर के पत्ते Chukandar Ke Patte
Snake Gourd चिचिंडा Chichinda
Seaweed (Various Edible Algae) समुद्री शैवाल Samudri Shaival
Soybean Sprouts सोयाबीन अंकुरित Soyabean Ankurit
Tomato टमाटर Tamatar
Taro Root (Colocasia) अरबी Arbi
Turnip शलजम Shaljam
Tamarind (Used as Vegetable in Some Cuisines) इमली Imli
Turmeric Root हल्दी Haldi
Tindora (Ivy Gourd) कुंदरू Kundru
Tatsoi (Asian Mustard Greens) तात्सोई Tatsoi
Tepary Beans टेपरी बीन्स Tepari Beans
Thai Basil थाई तुलसी Thai Tulsi
Tiger Nuts टाइगर नट्स Tiger Nuts
Urad Dal (Black Gram Beans - Used as a Vegetable when Fresh) उड़द दाल Urad Dal
Ulluco (Andean Root Vegetable) उल्लुको Ulluco
Upland Cress अपलैंड क्रेस Upland Cress
Ugu (Fluted Pumpkin Leaves) उगू Ugu
Udo (Japanese Mountain Vegetable) उडो Udo
Vidalia Onion (Sweet Onion Variety) विदालिया प्याज Vidalia Pyaaz
Velvet Bean (Mucuna Pruriens) काउहेज Kauhej
Val Beans (Field Beans) वाल फलियां Val Phaliyaan
Vine Spinach (Basella Alba) पुई साग Pui Saag
Victoria Rhubarb विक्टोरिया रूबर्ब Victoria Rhubarb
Water Spinach पानी पालक Pani Palak
Watercress जल शतावरी Jal Shatavari
White Radish (Daikon) सफेद मूली Safed Mooli
Wax Gourd (Ash Gourd, Winter Melon) पेठा Petha
Winged Bean विंग्ड बीन Winged Bean
Wild Garlic (Ramsons) जंगली लहसुन Jangli Lahsun
White Eggplant सफेद बैंगन Safed Baingan
White Asparagus सफेद शतावरी Safed Shatavari
Wild Leek (Ramps) जंगली प्याज़ Jangli Pyaaz
Xigua (Chinese Watermelon, Used as Vegetable in Some Cuisines) शीगुआ Xigua
Xanthosoma (Elephant Ear Tuber, Similar to Taro) ज़ैंथोसोमा Xanthosoma
Yam रतालू Ratalu
Yardlong Bean (Long Bean) लंबी फलियां Lambi Phaliyaan
Yellow Bell Pepper पीली शिमला मिर्च Peeli Shimla Mirch
Yellow Squash पीला स्क्वैश Peela Squash
Yucca Root (Cassava) कसावा Kasava
Yao Choy (Chinese Greens) याओ चॉय Yao Choy
Zucchini (Courgette) ज़ुकीनी Zucchini
Zebra Eggplant ज़ेबरा बैंगन Zebra Baingan
Zizania (Wild Rice Shoots, Used as Vegetable in Some Cuisines) ज़िज़ानिया Zizania
Zante Currant Leaves (Used as Vegetable in Some Dishes) ज़ांटे करंट पत्तियां Zante Currant Leaves

Nutritional Benefits of Vegetables Name Sabjiyon ke Naam

Rich in Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Excellent Source of Dietary Fiber

Packed with Antioxidants

Supports Immune System and Heart Health

Culinary Uses of Vegetables Name Sabjiyon ke Naam

Cooking Methods

Common Dishes Featuring Vegetables Name

Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes

Storage and Preservation Tips

Proper Refrigeration

Freezing for Long-Term Use

Pickling and Fermentation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the healthiest vegetables to eat daily?

A variety of leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and root vegetables provide optimal nutrition.

How can I incorporate more vegetables into my diet?

Add them to smoothies, soups, omelets, and sandwiches for easy consumption.

Which vegetables are best for weight loss?

Low-calorie, high-fiber options like leafy greens, bell peppers, and zucchini are great choices.

Are frozen vegetables as nutritious as fresh ones?

Yes! Freezing preserves most of the nutrients, making them a great alternative.

How can I keep vegetables fresh longer?

Store them properly in the refrigerator and use preservation techniques like blanching and vacuum sealing.


Vegetables name are an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle, offering a range of health benefits, culinary versatility, and essential nutrients. By incorporating a variety of vegetables into your meals, you can enhance your well-being and enjoy delicious, nutritious dishes. Which vegetables do you love the most? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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